
Sacrospinous Colpopexy

What Is Sacrospinous Colpopexy?

Sacrospinous Colpopexy is a surgical procedure aimed at repairing pelvic organ prolapse. It's designed to support the vagina by attaching it to the sacrospinous ligament, providing a more anatomically correct position.

How Does Sacrospinous Colpopexy Work?

The procedure is performed through the vagina and involves attaching the upper part of the vagina to the nearby sacrospinous ligament. This attachment restores the vagina to its normal position and provides support to prevent future prolapse.

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What Can I Expect During The Treatment?

During the Treatment

You will be under general anaesthesia, and the procedure usually takes around one hour. It's a minimally invasive procedure with a shorter recovery period compared to other surgical options.

After the Treatment

Some discomfort and light spotting may occur. Restrictions on lifting and strenuous activities will be in place for a period following the procedure.

Following Weeks

Recovery usually takes a few weeks, during which you'll be guided on resuming normal activities.

What Makes Sacrospinous Colpopexy Ideal Compared To Other Treatment Options?

Sacrospinous Colpopexy offers several benefits:

  • Tailored Solution

    Customised to each patient's specific needs and anatomy.

  • Minimally Invasive Option

    An alternative to more extensive surgery.

  • Effective

    Offers lasting relief for many patients.

How Much Does
Sacrospinous Colpopexy Cost?

Costs will vary based on individual needs and health coverage. Please contact our clinic to discuss your specific situation.

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Contact Our Friendly Team

Dr Andy’s clinic in Newstead is here to provide Sacrospinous Colpopexy and related care. We look forward to helping you with the best treatment available for pelvic organ prolapse.