
Mona Lisa Touch

What Is The MonaLisa Touch™?

The MonaLisa Touch is a quick and non-surgical medical procedure that can be beneficial for women dealing with symptoms like vaginal dryness, discomfort, itching, pain during intercourse, or urinary incontinence. It can also serve as a non-invasive option for addressing vaginal symptoms commonly experienced during menopause, providing an alternative to hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

How Does The
Mona Lisa Touch Work?

The MonaLisa Touch uses a special fractional CO2 laser to deliver controlled energy to the tissues of the vaginal walls. The laser stimulates the vaginal muscles by creating microscopic injuries in the tissue which triggers a natural healing response in the body.

This helps to increase blood flow, promote collagen production, and improve the overall health of the vaginal walls. The new collagen helps to restore elasticity and hydration to the vaginal tissues, improving their health and function which can alleviate symptoms over time.

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What Can I Expect During The Treatment?

During the Treatment

You will lie down while a medical professional inserts a specialised laser probe. The procedure itself is usually painless or minimally uncomfortable, and it typically takes around 5-10 minutes to complete. 

After the Treatment

You may experience some mild tingling or warmth in the treated area, but this usually subsides quickly. There is typically no downtime, and you can resume your daily activities immediately, but it’s important to follow any post-treatment instructions.

Following Weeks

You may notice gradual improvements including increased lubrication, reduced dryness, and relief from symptoms such as itching or pain during intercourse. Multiple treatment sessions may be recommended for optimal results.

What Makes The Mona Lisa Touch Ideal Compared To Other Treatment Options?

The MonaLisa Touch offers several advantages compared to other treatment options.

  • Non-Surgical

    It’s a non-surgical procedure, meaning it does not require incisions or anaesthesia, resulting in minimal downtime.

  • Quick & Painless

    The treatment is quick and painless, typically taking just a few minutes per session. 

  • Targeted

    It’s a targeted approach that stimulates the vaginal tissues directly, promoting natural healing in that specific area.

  • Non-Hormonal

     It’s non-hormonal, making it suitable for women who can’t or prefer not to use hormone-based therapies.

How Much Does The Mona Lisa Cost?

It is a patient specific treatment so the cost varies. You may get in touch with our team to request for a quote.

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Contact Our Friendly Team

Dr Andy’s clinic is located in Newstead and we are proud to offer the Mona Lisa Touch treatment. Please contact our clinic and we look forward to helping you.

Mona Lisa FAQ

  • Wear underwear made of natural fibres such as cotton that is not too tight fitting. Avoid tights and tight-fitting pants to allow the treated area to breathe as much as possible.

  • You are welcome to take some Panadol prior to the procedure to reduce any discomfort during the treatment. No other preparation is required as there is no downtime for this procedure.

  • Patients with low immune defences (from whatever origin) it may occur that the immune response to the inflammation induced by the treatment is more evident than normal and may lead to swelling of the inguinal lymph nodes. You should be informed of this eventuality to avoid needless concern.

  • Prior to getting started with the Mona Lisa treatment you will have a consultation with Dr Andy to discuss if you would be the best candidate for the treatment.